Add Paypal Donate Button in Blog

Blogging tips and tricks this time, we'll gonna learn how to Add Paypal Donate Button in your blog using a widget and HTML code that you could copy then paste it to Blogspot. This button is very useful for you. it means for the visitors that they are enjoying your blog content they can give you some dollars to donate it to you via paypal. Your job is just to allowing them to donate while they're enjoying reading. this is great right? means you'll gonna have some an extra income from your visitors anyway. If you haven't already have paypal account, you can REGISTER here for FREE.
Let's start it now:
1. Login to paypal using your email and password
3. Scrool down your mouse to the button and find "Donations" then click on it.
4. There's several option, in this case you just 'click donations'
5. Click 'Create Button'
6. Copy paste the code to your Blogger >> Design >> Page Elements >> Add A Gadget >> HTML/JavaScript
7. Save a Gadget
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